People always use technology because technology helps people to everywhere so we can do easily whatever we want. Scientist reserarchs for how many people use these technological devices. %65 people use washing machines,%74 people use laundaries,%87 people watch televisions,%93 people use mobile phones.This number also incredible for mobile phones.Mobile phones cause of some problems now I summarize you .
People surf in social media and they do anythink they want. For example if someone argue with one guy many people can get in these fight.Other problem is someone swear to anyone generally they do not punish this peoples. People generally 6-7 hours use telephone so your internet limit and your battery will be finish quickly however intetnet limits are too expensive.
Othervise mobile phones cause medical problems such as if you look much your eyes may be blind because it contain gama lights and radioactive lights so this lights efect your eyes
To sum up with, mobile phones have many disadvantages so people decrease using mobile phone hours.
technology helps people everywhere so we can do easily whatever we want.
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